
Avoidable Mistakes By MSMEs

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Smart Digital Book

Author : CA Atul Donde
Publisher : Marathisrushti

MRP : Rs.. 250/-
Offer Price : रु. 200/-

CA Atul Donde has been working with the medium and small entrepreneurs for a very long time, since 1985.  

During early days, established businessmen used to take the assistance of technocrats, thereby the technocrats used to enter into Industries . Therefore the technocrats used to get guidance from the established entrepreneurs, for Managing the business and creating their own ORGANIZATION  However, in the current scenario, the technically qualified young people venture into starting the business all by themselves. 

Today’s young entrepreneurs are  very much knowledgeable in the core fields, but managing the business is a different skill by itself.   Because of this, their career is being reduced to “Self employed” rather than the “Industrialist”. 

When the promoter wants to retire or exit from his organization, he must get duly rewarded for all the efforts he had taken to build it, not only in terms of assets, but in terms of Brand value and legacy.  Which rarely happens in the current era, therefore we observe that the second generation of the small entrepreneur chooses different career path.  Many children get very good education, but instead of carrying on the business, that their father built, they prefer employment or go abroad.

Fortunately, today lot of opportunities exist, but the small businessman fails to click there.  The mistakes he commits are not very serious, but not realizing them or, if realized, not correcting them in time blocks their path. 

To make the book more appealing, author has added some real life stories of the people who suffered from what he can call them as “Avoidable Mistakes

Author : CA Atul Donde
Publisher : Marathisrushti

MRP : Rs.. 250/-
Offer Price : रु. 200/-

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I have been working with the medium and small entrepreneurs for a very long time, say from 1985.  Before that  I had seen the working pattern of large industries from 1977.  Approach of the owners of large scale industries vastly differs from that of small business operators.  Small businesses were called as SSI units in those days.

During early days, established businessmen used to take the assistance of technocrats, thereby the technocrats used to enter into Industries . Therefore the technocrats used to get guidance from the established entrepreneurs, for Managing the business and creating their own ORGANIZATION  However, in the current scenario, the technically qualified young people venture into starting the business all by themselves. 

Today’s young entrepreneurs are  very much knowledgeable in the core fields, but managing the business is a different skill by itself.   After I started my own professional career, I clearly saw this missing factor.  Because of this, their career is being reduced to “Self employed” rather than the “Industrialist”. 

I am a firm believer of the principle that the business is to be a successful, must have a “transfer value”.  When the promoter wants to retire or exit from his organization, he must get duly rewarded for all the efforts he had taken to build it, not only in terms of assets, but in terms of Brand value and legacy.  Which rarely happens in the current era, therefore we observe that the second generation of the small entrepreneur chooses different career path.  Many children get very good education, but instead of carrying on the business, that their father built, they prefer employment or go abroad.

In this book, I have tried to discuss some of the points.  Fortunately, today lot of opportunities exist, but the small businessman fails to click there.  The mistakes he commits are not very serious, but not realizing them or, if realized, not correcting them in time blocks their path. 

I have narrated such incidents covering the entire life cycle of a small businessman, from the day he starts thinking of starting a business, till the age, when he badly wants to get out of it.  In my last chapter, I have discussed the retirement situation of the MSME. 

To make the book more appealing, I have added some real life stories of the people who suffered from what I can call them as “Avoidable Mistakes

Hope, you all will like the book.

CA Atul Donde

Author : CA Atul Donde
Publisher : Marathisrushti

MRP : Rs.. 250/-
Offer Price : रु. 200/-

Avoidable Mistakes By MSMEs
CA Atul Donde